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Violence Free Tairawhiti Network

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

The Violence Free Tairawhiti Network (VFTN) first started in the region in 1995 with Chairperson Chris Bunyan. Formerly known as Tairawhiti Abuse Intervention Network (TAIN) it was an inter-agency collaboration concerning Family Violence with Police, Victim Support, Child Youth and Family Services and Health and Social Service agencies in the Tairawhiti Region. The network has had many key supporters over the years - Gisborne Police, Tim Marshall of the Tauawhi Men’s Centre, Fiona Searancke of Ministry of Social Development, Leslynne Jackson, Jeremy M

uir of the Gisborne Herald and many others but the Backbone of the network for many years has been Dianne Saunders, manager of Barnardos Gisborne.  It was 21 years after its founding that TAIN had a name change to the VFTN. Although the majority of the purpose has remained the same the network in recent years has become more predominantly known for supporting community events encouraging a more whanau focused approach.

VFTN now comprises an extensive cross-sector network of government and non-government agencies. It aims to share information about services; identify family violence trends and patterns for the region; identify and discuss family violence issues; share resources; provide mutual support; raise the profiles of available local services and events; liaise between NGOs and government a

gencies and improve access to services. Meetings are held bi monthly at the Barnardos of

fice on the second Thursday of that month, 11am to 12 noon. All who attend are updated about the happenings in the VFTN space and are invited to share information and upcoming events from their services. The network also has an extensive email list which sends out relevant information regularly. 

If you are interested in any further information about the network please contact VFTN co-ordinator Wendy Miller.

Wendy Miller VFTN Co-ordinator/Administrator

Gisborne Office. Phone: 068691340. 0278367495.

25-27 Ormond Road, Gisborne 4010 PO BOX 1062, Gisborne 4040

A note from Dianne Saunders, Barnardos Manager.

Sadly this December funding from MSD for the Family Violence Network Coordination will end. There is no doubt that the funding priority should be used for front-line work, it seems however that there is still a place for a network coordinator, this has been shown by the great response Wendy (as coordinator) receives every time she puts out a call for resources or invites agencies to a meeting. Attendance to the bi-monthly meetings also highlights the enthusiasm of the agencies being regularly attended by over 15  agencies each meeting. Without a coordinator to make these ‘calls to action’ I fear the network will slide into an abeyance which will be a real shame after the many years of hard work that has been in.

Therefore, If there is any agency/organisation with some extra funds, who would like to take this on please get in touch with us. Thank you

Phone 069860282 to reach the team.

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