Our Members
Updated February 2024

Alzheimers Gisborne / Tairawhiti
Manager - Tracy Robinson
Address: 421 Ormond Road
Phone: 06 867 0752
Email: gisborne.alzheimers@xtra.co.nz
Alzheimer's Gisborne/Tairawhiti provides information, advice and support for people diagnosed with dementia and their families. The Sherwood Club is a day facility for people with dementia, operating 3 days a week. It provides social interaction, exercise and activities that encourage our clients to to live their lives to the full.

Anglican Care Waiapu - Te Hapara Family Services
Manager - Nicola Dimery
Address: 776 Childers Road
Phone: 0800 834 27272
Email: nicola.dimery@acw.org.nz
Te Hapara Family Services are a social service agency supporting the Tairāwhiti community. We provide counselling, social work, grief and loss programmes, whānau support, and further programmes to encourage whānau to take positive action in their lives.
Onsite we also have Waiapu Kids Te Hapara Whānau Aroha which provides quality care and early childhood education in Tairāwhiti for pēpi and tamariki up to five years of age. We are a fee-free service supporting the needs of tamariki and whānau in our community.
We offer van runs to children when transport is a barrier to participating in early childhood

Barnardos Gisborne
Manager -
Address: 25-27 Ormond Road, Gisborne
Phone: 06 86 91340
Email: gisborne@barnardos.org.nz
Barnardos is New Zealand's leading children's charity, doing more for Kiwi kids. For more than 60 years, we have been helping children, families and whānau in need. Today, we continue to support, protect and educate thousands of New Zealand children.
0800 What’s Up

Brain Injury Association Gisborne
Liaison Officer - Angela
Address: 340 Palmerston Road, Gisborne
Phone: 027 327 5944
Email: liaison.officer@biag.nz or secretary@biag.nz
Brain Injury Association Gisborne offers Support, Information and Advocacy to a person with a Brain Injury and their Family/Whanau. We have resources and links that can help you navigate and understand the daily struggles and readjustments you and your Family/Whanau may face.
We are one on one support for our community and their whanau.

Care and Craft Centre Gisborne
Contact Tracy at TCV for now
Address: 176 Cobden Street, Gisborne
Phone: 020 4190 0415
Email: contact@tcvhub.co.nz
The Care and Craft Centres cater for lonely house-bound people and not so mobile adults, known as guests, who are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of handcrafts and social activities. We have many disabled attendees who are thriving thru this.
Care and Craft has been offering a space to be develop skills and friendships for 30+ years in our community.

Citizens Advice Bureau Gisborne
Volunteer run
Address: 124A Bright Street, Gisborne
Phone: (06) 8672606
Email: gisborne@cab.org.nz
Citizen Advice Bureaus across New Zealand provide free, confidential, independent information and advice. We help people to know and understand their rights and responsibilities and also help people find community services they need. We don’t pretend to know everything but will do our best to find the information for you.
CCS Disability Action Gisborne
Manager -
Address: 7 Kahutia Street, Gisborne
Phone: 06 867 1249, 027 562 2706
Email: Katie.Mackey@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz
CCS Disability Action’s vision is to see every person with disabilities included in the life of their family and community. As well as providing direct support and advocacy, we have a wider role in shaping society’s attitudes towards people with a disability. CCS Disability Action is the largest pan-disability support and advocacy organisation in New Zealand.

Cancer Society Gisborne/East Coast
Address: 718 Gladstone Road, Gisborne
Phone: 06 8671795
Email: enquiries.gis@cancercd.org.nz
Cancer is now the leading cause of death in New Zealand. As we grow older the likelihood of developing cancer increases. Each year in Tairāwhiti there are over 250 people diagnosed with cancer. Every day at the Cancer Society we help all people with any cancer, their whānau and friends to deal with a cancer diagnosis.
We advocate for cancer patients, providing a voice on all kinds of issues including cancer prevention, screening, early detection and treatment. We support people during treatment and beyond.

Deaf Aotearoa
Lee Bullivant
Address: 22 Lee Road, Taradale, Napier 4112
Phone: 021 459 005 text only
Email: lee.bullivant@deaf.org.nz
Skype: leedeafaotearoa@outlook.com
Deaf Aotearoa’s Hauora* service is a nationwide service that understands and responds to Deaf and hard-of-hearing people’s needs. Deaf Aotearoa’s Employment service is a nationwide service focused on getting Deaf and hard-of-hearing people into successful employment. It includes pre-employment support and in-work support for both the Deaf person and employers. Support is provided locally through TCV office space at 340 Palmerston Road, or at Care and Craft.
Epilepsy New Zealand
Jenny Herbison
Address: 7 Lee Road, Taradale, Napier 4112
Email: hawkesbay@epilepsy.org.nz
Phone: 0800 EPILEPSY, 0273088971
Epilepsy provides a free information and support service to people with epilepsy, their whanau and communities .We are committed to community awareness and provide talks and educational sessions to the community. Click on the link below to view resources available on our website.

Geneva Healthcare Gisborne/Tairawhiti
Geneva Gisborne
Address: 1st Floor, Three Rivers Medical Centre, 75 Customhouse Street, Gisborne 4010
Phone: 0800 GENEVA / 0800 436 382
Email: enquiries@genevahealth.com
Geneva Healthcare are New Zealand’s trusted experts in aged care, illness, injury & disability support - providing wraparound in-home support, nursing and rehabilitation services. We work closely with the Ministry of Health, District Health Boards, Ministry of Social Development, and with ACC as a preferred national provider.

Gisborne support
Please see our Support Tab - this has our members as well as other organisations in our region who provide in our region,
This Includes Transport, exercise programs, social support, disability support and more.

Gisborne East Coast Multiple Sclerosis
Karen Whitehead
Address: 176 Cobden Street, Gisborne, 4010
Phone: 06-868 8842
Email: office.ms.gisborne.eastcoast@gmail.com
We offer a wide variety of support and information for people with MS, their families, employers and carers.
Our staff can help advocate for people as they navigate their way through different systems and provide connections to people and services.
We have get to togethers often for carers and those with MS, Please get in touch if you would like to join us.

Gisborne Budget Moni Ora
Manager - Lynda
Address: 48 Cobden Street, Gisborne, 4010
Phone: 06 867 7173
Email: info@moniora.org.nz
Moni Ora offers free confidential household budgeting support to individuals and families who want help. Often people who come to our door are in financial crisis and are seeking help with a hardship application but we also help those who just want to do better. Moni Ora accepts both walk-ins and referrals from any organisation who are working with people who are worried about money and want budgeting support.

Gisborne Presbyterian Parish
Address: 176 Cobden Street, Gisborne, 4010
Phone:(06) 868 5513
Email: standrewsgisb@xtra.co.nz
Our Mission is to be a diverse community called together by Jesus Christ to welcome, love, serve and care. Open Door – friendship group get together for morning tea every Tuesday at 10.00am. Mainly music - group for pre-schoolers Wednesdays 9.45am, $4 per family, includes morning tea. Pot Luck Lunch Sunday Service in the Community Hall every 4th Sunday Car Boot Sale every 2nd and 4th Saturday each month. Worship Services at St Andrews Sunday 10.30am. Matawhero Church Service 1st & 3rd Sundays 9.00 am
Gisborne Volunteer Centre
Manager - Ruby
Address: Treble Court Gisborne
Phone: (06) 868 4522
Email: info@gisbornevolunteercentre.org.nz
Volunteer Services Advisor -
“The Gisborne Volunteer Centre is a unique service that strengthens the community by increasing public awareness of the voluntary sector. We work with community organisations to identify volunteer needs and involvement and encouraging best practice management of volunteer-involving programmes, as well as working with potential volunteers, encouraging involvement and assisting them in finding suitable roles.”

Hospice Tairawhiti
Barbara Grout
Address: 421 Ormond Road, Gisborne
Email: admin@hospicetairawhiti.org.nz
Phone: (06) 8690552
Hospice Tairawhiti provides community based hospice care for the people of Tairawhiti, from Morere to Potaka. Hospice or palliative care is specialised care for people with life limiting conditions. Our focus is on improving quality of life for the person and providing support for the whanau.
Idea Services
Address: 163 Disraeli Street
Email: katie.mackey@idea.org.nz
Phone: 06 8726600
IDEA Services supports adults of all ages with intellectual disabilities to live in their own homes and enjoy life as part of their communities. We are New Zealand’s largest provider of services for people with intellectual disabilities and their families/whānau.
Our core values are:
Your Way Kia Roha
Address: 105 Disraeli Street, Gisborne 4010
Email: referrals@yourwaykiaroha.org.nz
Phone: (06) 8632836
Your Way l Kia Roha is a charitable trust offering information, support, and equipment to enable disabled people to thrive, living the lives they choose in their communities. When connecting with us, you will be valued and respected for what matters to you and your family / whānau. “Your Way” refers to the fact that each person is unique, with their own goals. It is an expression of ‘choice and control’ that captures both the aspirations and the importance of the process. It speaks to self-determination. “
Poverty Bay Wairoa Federation of Women's Institutes
Alison Crawford
Email: alisonis@outlook.com
Phone: 06 868 9586,
The main object of the NZ Federation is to provide an organisation for the purpose of enabling women to take an active part in the life of the community and its development.

Presbyterian Support East Coast
Family Works and Tauawhi Mens Centre
Address: 64 Customhouse Street / 71 Peel Street
Email: admin@psec.org.nz
Phone: 06 8681399 / 068688278
PSEC also is home to Tauawhi Mens centre and Family Works
Family Works Tairāwhiti is a government-approved service specialising in working with tamariki and whānau in need of support. Our staff have a commitment to embracing connections through aroha, kindness, and compassion and this guides our mahi. We aim to support and empower families and whānau in the Tairāwhiti area – from Gisborne to Pōtaka – to be safe, secure, and well, and live to their potential.

Hato Hone St John Tairawhiti
Youth manager - Duncan
Address: 4 Bright Street
Email: duncan.chisholm@stjohn.org.nz
Phone: 0800 785 646
St John provides a range of services to the community including emergency and non-emergency ambulance services, emergency care and first aid at public events, Caring Caller, Friends of the Emergency Department, Youth Programme, First Aid Training, Medical Alarms, Supporter Scheme.
Poipoia te Pitomata: Harnessing potential in our rangatahi through first aid, leadership and well being. As poipoi means to nurture and grow, the kaupapa of this programme is about harnessing the potential of rangatahi (young people) through nurturing them to grow as future first aiders and rangatira (leaders) in their communities.

Stroke Tairawhiti Now Stroke Foundation Tairawhiti
Manager - Caroline Callow
Address: 340 Palmerston Road
Email: tairawhiti@stroke.org.nz
Phone: 06 863 2716
We're here to support all stroke survivors, their families, whānau, friends and carers throughout their stroke journey. Stroke Tairawhiti provides information, advice, education and advocacy services throughout the Tairawhiti Region. We have amalgamated with Stroke Foundation NZ to ensure we can support our community in a more effective way.
We hold weekly exercise and communication classes.

Stand Tu Maia
Manager -
Address: 49 Cochrane Street
Email: EastCoast@standforchildren.org.nz
Phone: 06 867 5614
Our services include our nationwide Stand for Children Service (which is inclusive of the therapeutic care and education component delivered in our children's villages) therapeutic social work services delivered in home based and school based settings, family therapy, and a holiday programme for caregivers, including grandparents and foster parents.
Our community and school social workers have many years of experience providing individualised support to children and families.

Sunshine Service
Phone: 06 867 2905
Email: sunshineservice@xtra.co.nz
The Service is pre-booked and is available to elderly or disabled persons living in Gisborne City, Makaraka and Wainui. Bookings must be made 24 hours in advance. Bookings can be made by phoning the Manager in the office between 8.00 am and noon on
weekdays. Outside those hours, a message can be left on the office answerphone.
If you would like to volunteer to be a driver or an assistant we would love to have you.

Tairawhiti Age Concern
Address: Treble Court Gisborne
Phone: 06 867 6533
Email: francestac.tai@xtra.co.nz
Age Concern Tairawhiti (Gisborne), providing Elderly Support Services in Gisborne , New Zealand. Promotes the rights and well-being of the older person (over 65's) and support groups for individuals.
Tairawhiti Environment Centre
Address: 386 Palmerston Road, Gisborne
Phone: 06 867 4708
Email: info@tairawhitienviro.nz
TEC is a not for profit environmental community hub and has been an environmental advocate in the Tairawhiti region since 1990. TEC is a portal for environmental sustainability information and education, we run environmental and conservation outreach projects, workshops and host various networking functions.
Tairawhiti Technology Trust
Polly Crawford
Address: Kaiti Hub
Phone: 021 2582474
Email: barnzandpolly@gmail.com
Everything the Trust does is designed to increase local access to digital technologies and the knowledge and skills of users in our communities. We organise events for Digital Experts (especially educators and business leaders), training and affordable access for those who need to up-skill themselves or just become confident and regular users of ICT.

Te Aka Ora Charitable Trust
Address: 9 Temple Street
Phone: 06 8687722
Email: admin@ora.org.nz
Te Aka Ora Charitable Trust are a Gisborne based Support Service provider. Te Aka Ora work with Tamariki, Rangatahi and their whānau and communities, to support with social needs, whanau support, early learning opportunities and Parenting Supports. We strive to provide aroha, manaaki and support to tamariki, rangatahi, whānau and mokopuna within Te Tairāwhiti. To ensure whānau achieve tino rangatiratanga. To manage their own lives.

Te Kupenga Net Trust/Te Waharoa
Sharon Reid
Address: 26 Peel Street
Phone: 068684045. Te Waharoa 068683550
Email: admin@tekupenga.co.nz
Te Kupenga Net Trust has a partnership with Hauora Tairawhiti to assist whanau in distress in our Community. The Trust provides mental health and addictions consumer led peer support and advocacy for individuals and whānau, holding the Māori Like Minds Like Mine contract for Tairāwhiti, and providing education to community, business and social sectors as well as working alongside clinical servicers to whānau.

Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa
Address: Cnr reads Quay & Lowe Streety
Phone: 06 867 8109
Te Runanga o Turanganui A Kiwa
An entity called Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa was registered in 1986 to be the mandated iwi authority for the tribes of Turanganui a Kiwa. The Runanga was charged with supporting the iwi, hapu and whanau of Turanganui a Kiwa toward "tino rangatiratanga". The mission statement of the time, guided Te Runanga to provide the iwi with support, to advocate, to facilitate and to enable them to access choices for their future development.

The Salvation Army
Address: 389 Gladstone Road, Gisborne
Phone: (06) 868 9468
Email: gisborne.corps@salvationarmy.org.nz
Since 1883, The Salvation Army has fought poverty and social and spiritual distress in New Zealand. We’ve been there to help more than 120,000 families and individuals in need each year—with budgeting advice, food and clothing assistance, life skills programmes and other comfort and support. At The Salvation Army we are committed to our mission of caring for people, transforming lives and reforming society.
Worker -
Address: Treble Court Gisborne
Phone: 0800
Email: info@workbridge.co.nz
Meetings by Appointment only. Workbridge is an agency that assists individuals into work who have a disability, health issue or injury to find meaningful work, enquire about our criteria, this is a free service.
We have a one on one preparation programme to assist with job searching activities. We build relationships with employers to assist our job seekers to gain employment that is sustainable. We are career focused and will assist with pathways to work. We look for opportunities that are part time or full time.